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Hear from Therapists just like you!

Whether you are a Clinical Social Worker, Marriage & Family Therapist, Mental Health Counselor, Professional Counselor or Psychologist, there has never been a better time to partner with an online therapy provider.

Get started by visiting BetterHelp's Counselor Portal and see what you can make using their earnings calculator. Now is the perfect time to grow your practice online.



5 Ways to Market your Online Counseling Practice

It is important to utilize sales and marketing tactics to begin building a profitable and thriving online counseling practice! You might be thinking, "I just want to help people, I am not a marketer!" Than the answer is partnering with an established online therapy provider like BetterHelp.

If you want help in taking your practice online, get started by visiting BetterHelp's Counselor Portal and see what you can make using their earnings calculator.


Here are a few recommendations:

Your website – The starting point for everyone. Your website should be simple, clean, and easy to navigate for potential clients. A website is a direct extension of you as a professional, so it should represent who you are well.

Online Counselor Databases – A tried-and-true way to market yourself is via online counselor databases. In heavily saturated markets, these may not be as effective. However, in communities that lack therapists, you can gain an abundance of clients by advertising via these databases. Databases range in price from $25 – $49.95 per month

Social Media – Social media is a great (and often free) way to advertise your online practice. You can utilize Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest to promote your business, connect with other clinicians, and build a reputation.

Interviews - A great and free way to advertise your online practice is through media interviews. Reach out to online, print, and televised news media outlets. Share about your unique online practice, your niche, and ways you are benefiting your local community.

Networking – It is still important and helpful to network with other counselors, social workers, psychologists, and psychiatrists in your area and state-wide.

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Top Online Therapy Trends 2021

Online therapy is rapidly disrupting the way leaders approach workplace healthcare and employee wellness. With an increasing number of companies aiming to deliver smarter workplace health strategies and account for employees working remote, there is little doubt in what online therapy can do for workplace mental health and wellness practices.  Currently, over 90% of support and resources cater to physical illness instead of mental illness - Doctors, clinicians, medical staff, and case managers aren’t trained or equipped to handle the rising numbers of covid-related stress and anxiety cases.

Here are the top online therapy trends for 2021:


  1. Moving Beyond EAPs with Online Therapy - In 2021, there will be a massive upward trend or shift in leaders re-evaluating employee benefits, turning their attention towards what EAPs can do for employee mental health.
  2. Rise in Critical Behavioral Health Support - behavioral health support is another emerging and fast-approaching trend as we move into 2021
  3. Rise in Online CBT 2.0 – Online CBT is being adopted rapidly as healthcare providers, workplaces, and communities adapt to the changes brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.  CBT has become increasingly popular among clinicians and the general public due to its quick, short-term, structured approach to treatment and its impressive track record to treating stress, anxiety, and depression (today’s top contributors to global health issues – according to WHO).

If you want help in taking your practice online, get started by visiting BetterHelp Counselor Portal and see what you can make using their earnings calculator.

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A Therapist’s essential guide to Online Counselling

If you never considered doing online counseling, it is time to change that perspective. Many therapists have been forced to move their practices online. With most of our nation practicing social distancing and staying home, what better way to provide the needed help to a stressed and anxious patient.

I think we can agree that it's different seeing clients online, but it's not better or worse than doing in-person therapy. Although there's the risk of missing out on some visual cues, the online experience sharpens your hearing and its possible sometimes to reach a deeper level of listening.

We have compiled our insights about conducting online therapy to help you get started - here is your essential guide to doing online therapy:


  1. Make sure that you are sitting in a quiet place somewhere comfortable and undisturbed, - as if you were seeing the client in person. If you can do your online therapy sessions from your therapy room – fantastic!  Although your client will be looking at you, take that in consideration that your background is also important.  The space you offer online should feel as intimate and contained as if the session was happening offline.
  2. Create a sense of safety and security.  For a new online client, pick up your computer and show your office so that they get a good feel of your surroundings.  If you take notes during the session, let them know that you will be looking down to write insights so that they don’t feel they are being ignored.
  3. It is also important that you communicate to the client to find a quiet place that they won’t be disturbed.  It’s easy to forget that the therapeutic space is more confidential than most other conversations. Expect your client to move to a new room if disturbed or join the session from a public place – hopefully quiet!
  4. For a new client, expect unforeseen technical difficulties and allow time for it.  Microphone access, browser and internet connections are just handful of small technical difficulties. Be patient and understanding, your client will love you for that.
  5. Use headphones to ensure you are hearing the verbal nuances of what your client is saying.  We recommend you invest in AirPods as it is more professional looking then cords dangling from your ears.
  6. Make sure that your email alerts and any other computer programs on your computer are closed.


If you want help in taking your practice online, get started by visiting BetterHelp's Counselor Portal and see what you can make using their earnings calculator.

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Hear from Therapists just like you!

Whether you are a Clinical Social Worker, Marriage & Family Therapist, Mental Health Counselor, Professional Counselor or Psychologist, there has never been a better time to partner with an online therapy provider.

Get started by visiting BetterHelp's Counselor Portal and see what you can make using their earnings calculator. Now is the perfect time to grow your practice online.


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