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Healthcare Company ranking on TeleHealth Sherpa

The TeleHealth SHERPA Provider Index™ was designed for our thousands of visitors by guiding them to an informed decision so that they can choose the right company for their needs. The Parameters comprising our Provider Index score are:


Cost & Value - Does the value received match or exceed the cost to the customer? Are there plans to fit all budgets? No hidden fees or long term contracts?

Therapist Matching - What steps does the provider take to ensure people are matched with the correct provider? How large is the provider network of providers?

Easy to Use – What steps has the provider taken to ensure teletherapy sessions are easily accessible and available on numerous devices? Are clear and consistent connections achieved during sessions.

Company Reputation – Does the provider carry the proper certifications (e.g. HIPPA?) Are there outstanding complaints regarding the provider? Length of time in business.


Our proprietary scoring system is based on four critical parameters that are aggregated into one combined score. Our algorithm normalizes these parameters from dependable sources: reputable sources online, customer surveys and feedback, ,as well as compensation we may receive from brands, to create a balanced and holistic score.

We’re committed to maintaining a scoring system that offers transparent and valued healthcare service reviews to you. We strive to make our information real, robust, and honest.